"Move your body" - descrizione fisica

Ciao bambini, state lavorando proprio bene!
Oggi vi assegno un compito: descrivete un familiare o un amico/a usando quello che avete imparato sul libro e usando questi vocaboli che trovate sulla scheda (se usate il verbo avere,
ricordate che la 3p.s. è: "HE/ SHE HAS GOT").

 Ecco anche la correzione del compito di ieri:

1) My name is Sonia, I'm tall. My hair is blond, my eyes are big and
blue. I'm thin.
2) My name is Peter. My hair is short and black. I have got green
3) My name is Oscar. I'm red hair, my eyes are green, I have got a
purple cap.
4) My name is Susan. I'm thin and beautiful. My hair is long and black.
5) Hello friends! My name is Mary. I'm thin. I'm a sporty girl, my hair
is long and brown, my eyes are big and brown.
6) Hi! My name is Alex. I'm thin and tall, my hair is short and black.
I've got blue sunglasses.
1 d
2 b
3 e
4 a
5 f
6 c

See you soon
